Le 08/12/2013 07:48, Michele Calgaro a écrit : > > I have just completed a full rebuild on Debian/Jessie (all pbuilder builds in clean environment) > using the GIT sources of Friday. > 1) I had no problem with tqt3. > 2) tqtinterface needed a patch (bug 1757) > 3) adept needed a patch (bug 1760), but this was strictly related to Debian/Jessie since libwibble has been recently updated in this distribution > 4) tdevelop doesn't build and interestingly it is something related to tqassistantclient. I haven't got the time to look at that properly yet, but the obvious patch or remaning -lqassistantclient to -ltqassistantclient is not enough. I will work on this as soon as I have enough time > 5) koffice, kopete-otr, ktechlab also failed, but I haven't even look up the reason yet :) > > The problems with TQAssistantClient seems to come after commit 5445c25f on Dec 02. > > Cheers > Michele > Hello, now I have problems too when building tqinterface . In TQT3 package, it looks like "qassistant" was renamed to tqassistant". So now, I have the following files: /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so -> libtqassistantclient.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so.1 -> libtqassistantclient.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so.1.0 -> libtqassistantclient.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so.1.0.0 Now I've built tqtinterface and I try to install it. It does not work:: file /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so from install of trinity-tqtinterface-devel-14.0.0-0_pre168+ea871eed.oss131.x86_64 conflicts with file from package trinity-tqt3-devel-3.5.0-0_pre182+5445c25f.oss131.x86_64 Currentlty, tqtinterface installs: /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so -> libtqassistantclient.so.4.2.0 /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so.4 -> libtqassistantclient.so.4.2.0 /usr/lib64/libtqassistantclient.so.4.2.0 It looks like we have a library name conflict here. The "libtqassistantclient" exists in both tqt3 and tqtinterface, so we must rename one of them... François