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Month: January 2015

Re: [trinity-devel] git pretty format

From: Darrell <darrella@...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:49:59 -0600
> Nothing changed on the central repository end; did you have a GIT client
> package update recently?
> What is the affected command?  I assume "git log --pretty:?

No git updates here. For a couple of years I have been using a local ~/.gitconfig that contains the following:

  branch = auto
  diff = auto
  status = auto
[color "branch"]
  current = yellow reverse
  local = yellow
  remote = green
[color "diff"]
  meta = yellow bold
  frag = magenta bold
  old = red bold
  new = green bold
[color "status"]
  added = yellow
  changed = green
  untracked = cyan
  default = simple

Temporarily removing the config file makes no difference. $LANG=en_US, which hasn't changed in years.
