================================ #trinity-desktop-meeting Meeting ================================ Meeting started by kb9vqf at 19:06:23 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/lincomlinux/MeetBot/trinity-desktop-meeting/2011/trinity-desktop-meeting.2011-06-18-19.06.log.html The mirror syncs every six hours. Try again later if you cannot current access it. . Meeting summary --------------- * this is the June meeting (MutantTurkey, 19:06:38) * CMake conversion (kb9vqf, 19:06:46) * LINK: http://trinity.etherpad.trinitydesktop.org/9 (MutantTurkey, 19:07:14) * 3.5.13 will not be a full CMake port, it will be a blend of CMake for the core modules and Automake for the rest (kb9vqf, 19:08:12) * ACTION: samelian and MutantTurkey will keep working oni t (MutantTurkey, 19:08:52) * TQt for Qt4 (kb9vqf, 19:10:06) * LINK: http://trinity.etherpad.trinitydesktop.org/28 (MutantTurkey, 19:10:32) * TQt4 port is on schedule (MutantTurkey, 19:13:08) * Git Migration (kb9vqf, 19:13:45) * LINK: http://trinity.etherpad.trinitydesktop.org/29 (kb9vqf, 19:14:31) * LINK: http://git.xfce.org/ see how xfce does it (MutantTurkey, 19:16:46) * research needs to be done, but the move is probably a definite, 3rd party? (MutantTurkey, 19:26:39) * ACTION: MutantTurkey and Xu_R will look into the best way to handle the GIT repo (kb9vqf, 19:26:51) * CMake conversion (kb9vqf, 19:27:24) * ACTION: Xu_R needs to update the roadmap (Xu_R|iPodWC, 19:29:40) * Patchwork (kb9vqf, 19:30:36) * patchwork can be used to send in patches via ML (MutantTurkey, 19:34:51) * Earlier outage (kb9vqf, 19:37:11) * SuSE Support (kb9vqf, 19:40:15) * ACTION: Pull and commit gcc46.diff patches from opensuse (kb9vqf, 19:42:48) * invite people to provide binaries (MutantTurkey, 19:50:58) * ACTION: invite distro binary maintainers and validate from candidates (kb9vqf, 19:52:02) * Monthly Bugs (kb9vqf, 19:54:56) * LINK: http://trinity.etherpad.trinitydesktop.org/25 (kb9vqf, 19:59:14) * Dependencies (kb9vqf, 20:01:41) * ACTION: figure out potential libssh breakage (kb9vqf, 20:02:41) * libssh does not break fish/sftp (kb9vqf, 20:03:06) * LINK: http://linuxtesting.org/upstream-tracker/compat_reports/libssh/ (MutantTurkey, 20:03:49) * ACTION: samelian will try to rewrite fish:// for 3.5.13 (kb9vqf, 20:09:15) * Trinity Documentation / Dev Info Location (kb9vqf, 20:09:30) * ACTION: MutantTurkey will handle Wiki/Etherpad integration (kb9vqf, 20:15:26) * Module Deprecation (kb9vqf, 20:15:49) * LINK: http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Meetings/Begin_2011_meeting/Ideas#Going_more_Qt-only_way (MutantTurkey, 20:16:43) * ACTION: Deprecate koffice (kb9vqf, 20:19:33) * String freeze (kb9vqf, 20:20:22) * Future Versions (kb9vqf, 20:26:53) * ACTION: Xu_R needs to update the Roadmap based on the June meeting Etherpad (kb9vqf, 20:29:22) * General Discussion (kb9vqf, 20:30:02) Meeting ended at 20:42:33 UTC. Action Items ------------ * samelian and MutantTurkey will keep working oni t * MutantTurkey and Xu_R will look into the best way to handle the GIT repo * Xu_R needs to update the roadmap * Pull and commit gcc46.diff patches from opensuse * invite distro binary maintainers and validate from candidates * figure out potential libssh breakage * samelian will try to rewrite fish:// for 3.5.13 * MutantTurkey will handle Wiki/Etherpad integration * Deprecate koffice * Xu_R needs to update the Roadmap based on the June meeting Etherpad Action Items, by person ----------------------- * MutantTurkey * samelian and MutantTurkey will keep working oni t * MutantTurkey and Xu_R will look into the best way to handle the GIT repo * MutantTurkey will handle Wiki/Etherpad integration * samelian * samelian and MutantTurkey will keep working oni t * samelian will try to rewrite fish:// for 3.5.13 * Xu_R * MutantTurkey and Xu_R will look into the best way to handle the GIT repo * Xu_R needs to update the roadmap * Xu_R needs to update the Roadmap based on the June meeting Etherpad * **UNASSIGNED** * Pull and commit gcc46.diff patches from opensuse * invite distro binary maintainers and validate from candidates * figure out potential libssh breakage * Deprecate koffice People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * kb9vqf (293) * MutantTurkey (131) * samelian (61) * Xu_R|iPodWC (32) * Xu_R (11) * ammo42 (8) * [lindaemon] (2) * msb (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot -- later, Robert Xu + rxu AT lincomlinux DOT org