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Month: March 2012

Re: [trinity-devel] mlt++ can only build without compiling 'test' files (Makefile patch required)

From: Darrell Anderson <humanreadable@...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 10:39:28 -0700 (PDT)
>   The current mlt++ source Makefile requires that the
> 'test' directory be compiles as part of the build. This
> fails on Arch. I have disabled the build of the 'test' dir
> files with:
>  sed -i '/\$(MAKE) -C test \$@/d' Makefile
>   Is there any reason they should be built by the
> current Makefile to begin with? Isn't that something that is
> normally done by the user AFTER the package is installed?
> Since the 'test' Makefile requires -lmlt++ and that lib
> isn't installed until the package is installed - this will
> cause a build failure every time.

Does building mt++ require first building mt? I want to help but I am unable to build mt. Looks like mlt can't find the tqt header files....
