in my current installation, I still have trouble setting the correct screen resolution for TDM.
When going into the "kcmshell displaymanager", I  always crash when saving settings, and they are not saved at all.
(they are supposed to be in something like /opt/trinity/share/displayconfig/... )

Using GDB I see it SEGV line 115 of the following file:

I see that a patch to avoid crash was submitted and backported in SRU:
Basically, the "delete" is conditional. Good point.

But I think the true problem is not to avoid the "delete" function, but to know why we go in there.

Looking at this file, line 287:
I see that the "ICC Profile" parameter is set to "" (empty string).

Back to the "KRandrSimpleAPI::getIccFileName" in tdelibs, I see that the profileName variable is checked 3 times:
84  if (profileName != NULL) {
91  if (profileName != NULL) {
111  if (profileName != "") {

So, if profileName is set to "", the 2 first tests are positive, and the third is negative.
We create variable "t_config" but then delete variable "t_systemconfig". Then it (used to) crash.

I think something must be clarified here: if the function is meant to receive "no profile" as paramater, we must choose if this is NULL or or an empty string.
Or we can check both value if both must be valid, e.g:

if ((profileName != NULL) && (profileName != "")) {

What do you think ?