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Month: January 2014

Re: [trinity-devel] Commit page not updating

From: "Darrell Anderson" <darrella@...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 19:54:01 -0600
>Try this crazy thing (similar to that used in the script):
>git submodule --quiet foreach "git log --abbrev=8 --no-merges --
>\"%at:%h: %ar: %an: [\$(basename \$PWD)] %B%x01\"" | tr "\n" "\0" 
>tr "\1" "\n" | sed -e "s|^\x00||" -e "s|\x00$||" | sort -rn | sed -
>e "s|
>^[^:]*:||" -e "s|\x00|\n|g" | less -FX

You are clever and skilled!

How about your script for the html page? I'd like to test that too. 
