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Month: July 2020

Re: strange experience today needed udisk2

From: deloptes <deloptes@...>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2020 02:08:08 +0200
E. Liddell wrote:

> There should be multiple options for automounting support--any of udisks,
> udisks2, udevil, or pmount used to be supported, but you'll need at least
> one of those installed (and I'm not sure about udisks-not-2 and the latest
> builds). I believe you also need an active dbus session.

more than enough info - I just wonder why nothing complained. if none of the
above is present, I was getting funny error from konqueror, took me a while
to find out that udisks2 wasmissing, installed and it works.
and yes it requires dbus.

> You should still be able to mount and unmount manually from the command
> line without any of that, though. �If *that* doesn't work, your system is
> messed up in ways that have nothing to do with TDE.

yes, but I have to be root - it is not like click and play.
