Hello all,

Good work team, and thank you to everyone who helped with the release!

Now that the release is out the door, we are looking ahead to the next release.  At this meeting we will discuss our goals and our ideas for 3.5.14. If everyone could start to thinking about what they would like to do, or see done for 3.5.14 that would be great. Please bring your thoughts to the meeting.

Please checkout the following links and contribute as such:
Roadmap for 3.5.14: http://www.trinitydesktop.org/wiki/bin/view/Developers/3_5_14_Roadmap
Release Goals for 3.5.14: http://www.trinitydesktop.org/wiki/bin/view/Developers/3_5_14_Release_Goals
Etherpad for November Meeting: http://trinity.etherpad.trinitydesktop.org/15

This meeting is for everyone interested helping trinity desktop. That means, Packagers, Contributors, Developers, and even Users! If you are interested in getting involved and don't know where to start, please come to this meeting to find out how you can help!

There will more detailed time information as we draw closer to the meeting. The meeting will probably occur in the early evening EST.

Please RSVP and let us know if you can/cannot make it.

Thank you,

Calvin Morrison
Trinity Desktop Team.