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Month: March 2012

Re: [trinity-devel] Why? TDE cmake does NOT respect 'export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=X'

From: Serghei Amelian <serghei@...>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 00:48:11 +0200
On Thursday 15 March 2012 00:37:16 David C. Rankin wrote:

>   There is something wrong with the logic behind ${APR_INCLUDE_DIRS} which
> is probably why it got hardcoded to begin with?? ${APR_INCLUDE_DIRS} isn't
> providing anything. Does it need more cmake code somewhere in the cmake
> dir?
>   For some reason setting ${APR_INCLUDE_DIRS} doesn't include the
> information from pkg-config:
> 17:31 nirvana:~/tde/tmp/tdesvn> pkg-config --variable=includedir apr-1
> /usr/include/apr-1
>   Setting src/CMakeLists.txt using the patch hardcoding the dir seems to be
> the only thing that works. This points to a problem with the cmake code
> that is setting ${APR_INCLUDE_DIRS}. This patch is an example of how I got
> it to work. The original patch including ${APR_INCLUDE_DIRS} is what should
> be done, but the cmake code that sets ${APR_INCLUDE_DIRS} will need fixing
> first.
>   This is

I think there is no check for apr. Insert somewhere in ConfigureChecks.cmake a 
code like this:

pkg_search_module( APR apr-1 )
    tde_message_fatal( "apr-1 is required, but was not found on your system" )
endif( )
