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Month: April 2012

Re: [trinity-devel] knemo - patch to change default backend from 'Nettools' to 'Sys'

From: "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@...>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 08:39:16 -0500
On 04/18/2012 02:35 AM, Timothy Pearson wrote:
> Looks reasonable to me.  As an aside I am fairly certain that Ubuntu
> patched sys to be the default backend some time ago, and we should
> probably just remove the nettools backend code entirely.
> Long term it would be interesting to hook knemo into the TDE hardware
> library (which already monitors statistics via sysfs) to reduce code
> duplication.
> Tim


  What knemo does better than any other application of its size it (1) provides
an excellent tooltip with all network stats (available with only a hover over
the systray icon), and (2) provides an excellent network graph that is well laid
out and fairly configurable.

  We may also want to enable the Text -> Top Bar setting as well by default. It
adds a nice "(interface)     in:      out:  " readout at the top of the graph. eg:

eth0:         in:  539 K/s    out: 128 K/s

  The knemo code looks like a text-book c++ class based app with readable
constructors/destructors, class members, etc.. so the base of knemo is in good

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.